Suzanne Berkers creates objects and installations in which light, movement and space play an important role. She is fascinated by the elusive, transient and volatile nature of things.
The pieces do not have a fixed shape but may change or move, fold in or out, disappear and reappear. They are created in a search for the razor-thin intersection between two moments. She calls this intersection the ‘moment between’
2020 Kennedy Gallery - Where edges meet - Las Vegas (USA)
2020 Odapark Venray - Flow
2019 Galerie Wilms - Amuse - Venlo
2018 Weil ich ein Mädchen bin - Odapark Venray
2016 Les jardin de Drulon - Drulon, F
2016 Alte Fabrik 21 Jahre Expo - Kaldenkirchen, D
2015 Venlo Exposed
2015 Amuse, Galerie Wilms, Venlo
2012 Knock-Knock, Venlo
2011 In de bomen, Maasmechelen, B
2006 Tentoonstelling Euregionaal, Galerie Judy Straten, Grubbenvorst
2005 LAT, Odapark, Venray
2000 Pro-sessie, Roermond
1999 Galerie Signe, Heerlen
1997 Kamertjes van God, Museum van Bommel van Dam, Venlo
1996 Giselle en gezellen , Museum van Bommel van Dam, Venlo
1996 Melancholie, Galerie van Laethem, Rekem, B
2022 Aan de hand ‘on tour’, Kunstencentrum Venlo, Bibliotheek Venlo
2015 Between Time , Museum van Bommel van Dam, Venlo 2010 Projectruimte Het Raam , Venlo
2008 Kamer van Kunst, Venlo
1999 Het Raam, Tegelen
1999 OCE, Venlo
1998 Haus te Gesselen Wetten DE
1996 Galerie van Laethem, Rekem B
1996 Centrum voor Kunsten, Hasselt B
2021 Lichtbaken van Venlo, interactive light installation in public space, Tegelen
2019 Connecting Light, light installation in public space, GrootVenlo/Kaldenkirchen D
2018 Tiensteen, applied artwork in public space, Tienray (col. bbdk)
2009 Light Up, light installation in public space Venlo
2021 Venlo van binnen, ‘Monument wordt graadmeter van de stad’
2019 'Connecting Light', Review Beeldenmagazine
2015 'Op weg naar het onbestembe', review Dagblad de Limburger
2011 'De bomen in', Publication
2009 'Light Up', Review Dagblad de Limburger
2009 Omslagfoto, Zuiderlucht
2008 Bouwbureau de Kievit, Publication
2005 LAT part 2, Catalog
1999 Tentoonstelling Galerie Signe, Catalog
1998 Herrensitz-Kastelen-Spektakel, Catalogus
1998 Veilinghallen Grubbenvorst, Catalog
1996 Melancholie, Catalog
1996 Giselle en gezellen, De Buun, Publication
Museum van Bommel van Dam, Venlo
2013/2020 Educational contributor Odapark Venray
2011/2021 Educational contributor Museum van Bommel van Dam
2010/present Teacher Visual Arts Kunstencentrum Venlo
2008/present Bouwbureau de Kievit (bbdk), Coopertion public arts
2007/present BAM Arts education company
2017 Van Bommel in de klas, Art project primary education
2014 District project Venlo Noord, print for the future
2013 Project employee Venloverzamelt
2008 Bouwbureau de Kievit, Stedelijk museum Roermond
2008 Bouwbureau de Kievit, Educational in-situ project about the beauty of building
Suzanne Berkers creates objects and installations in which light, movement and space play an important role. She is fascinated by the elusive, transient and volatile nature of things.
The pieces do not have a fixed shape but may change or move, fold in or out, disappear and reappear. They are created in a search for the razor-thin intersection between two moments. She calls this intersection the ‘moment between’
1986 - 1991 Studied sculpture at the Royal Academy of Art and Design 's-Hertogenbosch
2020 Kennedy Gallery - Where edges meet - Las Vegas (USA)
2020 Odapark Venray - Flow
2019 Galerie Wilms - Amuse - Venlo
2018 Weil ich ein Mädchen bin - Odapark Venray
2016 Les jardin de Drulon - Drulon, F
2016 Alte Fabrik 21 Jahre Expo - Kaldenkirchen, D
2015 Venlo Exposed
2015 Amuse, Galerie Wilms, Venlo
2012 Knock-Knock, Venlo
2011 In de bomen, Maasmechelen, B
2006 Tentoonstelling Euregionaal, Galerie Judy Straten, Grubbenvorst
2005 LAT, Odapark, Venray
2000 Pro-sessie, Roermond
1999 Galerie Signe, Heerlen
1997 Kamertjes van God, Museum van Bommel van Dam, Venlo
1996 Giselle en gezellen , Museum van Bommel van Dam, Venlo
1996 Melancholie, Galerie van Laethem, Rekem, B
2022 Aan de hand ‘on tour’, Kunstencentrum Venlo, Bibliotheek Venlo
2015 Between Time , Museum van Bommel van Dam, Venlo 2010 Projectruimte Het Raam , Venlo
2008 Kamer van Kunst, Venlo
1999 Het Raam, Tegelen
1999 OCE, Venlo
1998 Haus te Gesselen Wetten DE
1996 Galerie van Laethem, Rekem B
1996 Centrum voor Kunsten, Hasselt B
2021 Lichtbaken van Venlo, interactive light installation in public space, Tegelen
2019 Connecting Light, light installation in public space, GrootVenlo/Kaldenkirchen D
2018 Tiensteen, applied artwork in public space, Tienray (col. bbdk)
2009 Light Up, light installation in public space Venlo
2021 Venlo van binnen, ‘Monument wordt graadmeter van de stad’
2019 'Connecting Light', Review Beeldenmagazine
2015 'Op weg naar het onbestembe', review Dagblad de Limburger
2011 'De bomen in', Publication
2009 'Light Up', Review Dagblad de Limburger
2009 Omslagfoto, Zuiderlucht
2008 Bouwbureau de Kievit, Publication
2005 LAT part 2, Catalog
1999 Tentoonstelling Galerie Signe, Catalog
1998 Herrensitz-Kastelen-Spektakel, Catalogus
1998 Veilinghallen Grubbenvorst, Catalog
1996 Melancholie, Catalog
1996 Giselle en gezellen, De Buun, Publication
Museum van Bommel van Dam, Venlo
2013/2020 Educational contributor Odapark Venray
2011/2021 Educational contributor Museum van Bommel van Dam
2010/present Teacher Visual Arts Kunstencentrum Venlo
2008/present Bouwbureau de Kievit (bbdk), Coopertion public arts
2007/present BAM Arts education company
2017 Van Bommel in de klas, Art project primary education
2014 District project Venlo Noord, print for the future
2013 Project employee Venloverzamelt
2008 Bouwbureau de Kievit, Stedelijk museum Roermond
2008 Bouwbureau de Kievit, Educational in-situ project about the beauty of building
+ 31 6 21265827

Een kunstproject waarin handen het uitgangspunt vormen voor een portret van onze samenleving in deze tijd. Aan de hand is te zien én te lezen op diverse publieke locaties in de gemeente Venlo.
Handen zijn veelzeggende lichaamsdelen, ze werken en zorgen, strelen en duwen, groeten, bidden en gebaren. Het project kwam tot stand tijdens de coronapandemie. Alles werd anders, we moesten afstand houden, mochten elkaar niet aanraken, niet knuffelen en geen handen schudden. Vanuit de overheid kregen we het advies om onze handen stuk te wassen. Tijdens de persconferenties is er veelvuldig gesproken in statistieken en ‘aan de hand’ van de cijfers. Het project laat zien dat deze handen onmisbaar zijn, dat we allemaal met elkaar verbonden zijn en niet zonder elkaar kunnen.
An art project in which hands form
the starting point for a portrait of our society today.
Hands are significant body parts, they work and care, caress and push, greet, pray and gesture. The project came about during the corona pandemic. Everything changed, we had to keep our distance, were not allowed to touch each other, not to hug and not to shake hands. During press conferences there was a lot of talk in statistics and on the basis of the figures. The project shows that these hands are indispensable, that we are all connected and cannot live without each other.
Mede mogelijk gemaakt door / Made possible by Gemeente Venlo

Kunstencentrum Venlo
An interactive light project in collaboration with Yvonne Rooding

Lightplan Wiehager 2022
Photo Wim van Groenendaal
On Trappistenweg in Tegelen is an industrial chimney no less than 70 metres high. Due to its geographical location this is also the highest point of Venlo. This monumental chimney is a symbol of the manufacturing industry and its history, but has not had any function apart from that until now.
31 Lashing straps of the chimney have been provided with LED lights. Each light strap can be programmed separately. This way colour stories are created, communication at a ‘high’ level. The chimney has been given a new function as a communication tool.
This city icon functions as a barometer of the city. With it, the artists want to increase social involvement, awareness and recognisability of the city for young and old alike, giving off a positive signal.
Lichtbaken van Venlo was supported by Gemeente Venlo, BOEi, Ondernemend Venlo and several local culture-loving companies and donors.
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November 16, 2021The unveiling of Lichtbaken van Venlo
Photo Wim van Groenendaal