A cross-border lightproject
From 1 december 2018 to13 january 2019 a line of light with a length of 12 kilometers connects five defining buildings in the region Venlo/Nettetal.
Innovatoren Venlo
Stadskantoor Venlo
Molenbossenflats Blerick
Schoorsteen Wienenberger Tegelen
Kerk Kaldenkirchen
Connecting Light shows that there are connections everywhere, not only between buildings but also between people and the landscape. The artist want to send out a positive signal with this. We are part of a larger whole and cannot exist without each other.
The landscape is a dynamic domain with an infrastructure of bridges, roads and railways. A domain with a past, a present and a future which changes with time. Connecting Light enters into a dialogue with the environment. In its static appearance, the stillness of the line is a counterpart to our hectic existence.
A walking route is part of this project. You can follow the line of light through the landscape during the dark hours: a live experience. As a spectator you become part of the art work. It changes your perception of the space that surrounds you.
Passers-By Connecting Light - Click here
During the project, the green light line was frequently photographed by passers-by. It’s a collection of images that gives you an impression of project.
Connecting Light was made possible by:
Gemeente Venlo, Provincie Limburg, Euregio, Interreg Deutschland Nederland

Stadskantoor Venlo connected to Innovatoren and Molenbossen Photo: Wim van Groenendaal

Wienenberger chimney connected to the church in Kaldenkirchen and Molenbossen in Blerick. Photo: Josef Loven

The church in Kaldenkirchen connected to the Wienenberger chimney. Photo: Josef Love

Innovatoren connected to Stadskantoor Venlo. Photo: Uli Berger

Stadskantoor Venlo connected to Molenbossen Blerick. Photo: Christian Bouscheljong

Map of Groot - Venlo / Kaldenkirchen. The green line of light with a length of 12 kilometers and the five buildings. The orange line is the walking route
Click here for the video-impression

A walking route is part of this project. The Connecting Light App guides you through the landscape and shows 28 points of interest. You follow the line of light through the landscape during the dark hours: a live experience. As a spectator you become part of the art work. It changes your perception of the space that surrounds you.